Monday, February 25, 2008

Grapefruit Wine

One of Stan's Christmas gifts was a winemaking kit and here is the first "fruit" of our endeavor -- grapefruit wine. It should be ready on or about Mother's Day.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Grandmom's Birthday

Today, February 23, is the 100th anniversary of Helen McKee Higgins' birth. Here is her picture in 1950.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Special Birthday

Today is our baby Barbe's birthday (then and now)!

Snowmobiling in the UP

We just returned from another wonderful week of snowmobiling in the Curtis area (in the eastern part of the UP). Stan made some adjustments to my sled so that it handles much better. We took a number of day trips including a 150 mile round trip to Grand Marais. My favorite trip was to Tahquamenon Falls. The trail between Newberry and Tahquamenon was straight and smooth. I was even persuaded to snowmobile across Big Manistique Lake!